
Showing posts from September, 2019

For More Effective Summer Internship- Make Experiential learning Exposure is a Prerequisite

Summer internship for MBA students is a standard practice of Business Schools across the globe. Some institutes take internship seriously and some don't. Generally, the trainees are assigned to an in--house executive of the company where the student will do the internship. A faculty from the institute is also assigned to each student as a mentor. In the majority of the cases, the engagement of the faculty mentor is limited. and the in-house mentor is also too busy to spend time with the mentee. The whole process is a self-learning exercise. The summer internship is for two months. Students generally get the assignment after a week. The nature of the projects vary case to case- it may be a transactional job like selling of Credit Card to organizing promotional events. Of course, some gets quite interesting assignments as well. As a result, the take away from summer projects vary widely. Experience suggests irrespective of the nature of the project students get a very narrow exp